The contest has ended.

Fair competition in the market is the basis for a well-functioning national economy. When companies compete against each other for customers, the company gets the lowest prices for goods and services, higher quality and greater diversity, and more innovation.

The Competition Council's (the CC) work contributes to the well-being of society as a whole by preventing violations to the detriment of consumers by the CC. 

What are the types of infringements of competition law? Students from grade 7 to 12 have been asked to find an answer to this question and participate in the video competition "Should there be competition?", explaining the different types of competition law violations and the benefits to society from preventing those violations.

The CC and the Law Office Eversheds Sutherland Bitans organize a video competition of creative works in competition law with the aim of promoting students' understanding of economic processes in the country and fair competition.

1st place

Eastern Latvia Technology High School:

  • Deņiss Oļševskis
  • Ņikita Fadejevs
  • Oļegs Mihailovs

Theme: Distortions of competition caused by public bodies.

2nd place

Riga Secondary School No 72:

  • Maksims Smuškovičs
  • Ksenija Čušenko

Theme: The planned obsolescence or premature obsolescence of enterprises, where an entrepreneur artificially restricts the life of a product in a product planning or design policy.

3rd place:

Engure Secondary school:

  • Anna Marija Vārpiņa
  • Mariuss Rinalds Vītols