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About us
About the Competition Council of Latvia
Areas of activity
Publications and reviews
Laws and regulations
Advertising Law
Rights of the Competition Council during investigations
Principle "Consult at first"
Reporting a violation
Examination of a submission regarding violations of the Competition Law
Submission of a notified agreement of market participants
The examination of the submission regarding violations of the Advertising Law
The decision on the market participant mergers
Public information on competition issues in the field of protection and surveillance
Consultation and examination of submissions regarding competition law issues
Opinion on the involvement of a public person in commercial activities
Current events
Public participation
Directions of Actions
Prohibited Agreements
Vertical agreements
Exclusion from a procurement procedure
Leniency programme
Abuse of Dominant Position
Merger Control
Short-form merger notification
Unfair Trading Practices
Trade for agricultural and food products
Retail trade of non-food products
Supervision of public entities
Public adminstrative body participation in capital companies
Competitive neutrality
Market surveillance
Violations of the Advertising Law
Substantial harm to competition
Digital Markets Act
Foreign Subsidies Regulation
Promotion of Competition culture
For consumers
For pupils and students
Stop-motion video contest for secondary school pupils "In competition - Better More" (2018)
Campaign "The most absurd obstacle to competition"
European Competition Day
Contacts of the Authority
Employee contacts
Opinion on the involvement of a public person in commercial activities
About us
The Competition Council of Latvia (CC) is under the supervision of the Cabinet of Ministers, which operates in accordance with the Competition Law and other regulatory enactments. The Competition Council is established by the Cabinet of Ministers, and its institutional supervision is ensured through the Minister of Economy.
About the Competition Council of Latvia
The Competition Council of Latvia (CC) is under the supervision of the Cabinet of Ministers, which operates in accordance with the Competition Law and other regulatory enactments. The Competition Council is established by the Cabinet of Ministers, and its institutional supervision is ensured through the Minister of Economy.
Members of the Competition Council
Structure of the Competition Council.
Areas of activity
Priority tasks of the Competition Council.
Historical development of the Competition Council.
Publications and reviews
Once a year, the institution prepare a annual report on its performance in the previous year. The public reports provide summary information on the institution's goals and work results, as well as the planned priorities for the next year.
Laws and regulations
Information on regulatory enactments.
Advertising Law
Rights of the Competition Council during investigations
Principle "Consult at first"
Principle "Consult at first" aims to improve cooperation between authorities and entrepreneurs by promoting compliance with national requirements and clear operating conditions.
This section summarizes the information provided by the institution to citizens and businesses in person or electronically.
Reporting a violation
Examination of a submission regarding violations of the Competition Law
Submission of a notified agreement of market participants
The examination of the submission regarding violations of the Advertising Law
The decision on the market participant mergers
Public information on competition issues in the field of protection and surveillance
Consultation and examination of submissions regarding competition law issues
Opinion on the involvement of a public person in commercial activities
Current events
News and publications of the Competition Council.
Up-to-date information, press releases and industry news.
Public participation
Directions of Actions
Directions of Action of the Competition Council.
Prohibited Agreements
A prohibited agreement is one of the severest violations of competition law, and the Competition Council has declared the detection of such agreements its operational priority.
Vertical agreements
Exclusion from a procurement procedure
Conditions for exclusion of candidate or tenderer from the procurement procedure.
Leniency programme
Abuse of Dominant Position
Dominant position is an economic position in a relevant market of a market participant if such participant has the capacity to significantly hinder, restrict or distort competition in any relevant market for a sufficient period of time by acting with full or partial independence from competitors, clients, suppliers or consumers.
Merger Control
Within the meaning of the Competition Law, a merger is considered to be not only consolidation and takeovers among companies but, under specific circumstances, also transactions that result in the acquisition of influence in another undertaking, or even only the assets of a company or the right of their use.
Short-form merger notification
Entrepreneurs may submit an short-form merger report to the Competition Council, which shall include significantly less information than the full report.
Unfair Trading Practices
The purpose of the Prohibition of Unfair Trading Practices Law is to prohibit unfair trading practices throughout the supply chain of agricultural and food products and restrict the use of purchasing power of non-food retailers against suppliers.
Trade for agricultural and food products
Retail trade of non-food products
Supervision of public entities
One of the direction of actions of the Competition Council is the supervision of public entities to ensure that they do not adversely affect the development of markets and the competitive environment.
Public adminstrative body participation in capital companies
Information about cases when public administrative bodies are allowed to engage in entrepreneurship
Competitive neutrality
Market surveillance
Market surveillance is an in-depth analysis of the competitive situation in a particular market using both publicly available information and company data.
Violations of the Advertising Law
The Competition Council monitors the compliance of advertising with the requirements of regulatory enactments if the specific interests of an individual market participant are not harmed, but the violation in the field of advertising causes, or may cause, substantial harm to competition as a whole.
Substantial harm to competition
Digital Markets Act
To promote fair competition in digital markets, Regulation (EU) 2022/1925 of the European Parliament and of the Council on contestable and fair markets in the digital sector, or the Digital Markets Act, entered into force in the European Union.
Foreign Subsidies Regulation
Promotion of Competition culture
Promotion of Competition culture is part of the Competition Council of Latvia activities to prevent the possibility of violations, offering a diverse range of competition culture promotion.
For consumers
Information on competition, harm caused by infringements of competition law, possibility to report of infringements.
For pupils and students
Stop-motion video contest for secondary school pupils "In competition - Better More" (2018)
Campaign "The most absurd obstacle to competition"
An annual campaign organized by the Competition Council, which promotes fair business and reveals obstacles in both regulatory enactments and public procurement.
Information on the possibilities of the Competition Council to organize seminars for entrepreneurs and their associations, public administration bodies, lawyers and other interest groups on competition law and its practical application.
European Competition Day
Contacts of the Authority
+371 67282865
+371 67242141
Brīvības street 55, 2. korp., Rīga, LV-1010
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Opinion on the involvement of a public person in commercial activities
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Main challenge of the Baltic competition authorities – ensuring competitiveness in digital markets
On 12 and 13 September, in Vilnius, Lithuania, the 20th Baltic Competition Conference was held. In this year’s conference, amongst the relevant competition law enforcement issues, special attention…
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