
The Competition Council of Latvia (the CC) has concluded a survey of residents of Latvia on availability of reimbursed medicines in Latvia, which was conducted within the framework of market surveillance by the authority concerning distribution of reimbursed medicines and related potential competition restrictions.

The obtained data shows, that more than 60% of Latvian residents have faced difficulties with acquiring needed reimbursed medicines, which has significantly affected successful treatment process for almost one fourth of respondents. This problem is observed both in the large networks of pharmacies and private pharmacies in the entire territory of Latvia.

Particular attention in the survey was paid to 12 reimbursed medicines that are intended for treatment of haematopoietic organs, bone, hormonal system, oncological, diabetes, viral and respiratory system diseases; however, respondents were also invited to express their opinion about difficulties with acquiring other medicines.

During the market surveillance, the CC analyses distribution of reimbursed medicines and related potential competition restrictions; therefore, the actual availability of medicines in pharmacies was assessed in the survey instead of the price of medicines. The final conclusions of market surveillance can be expected in the second half of this summer.